Restorative Dentistry In Lathrop

Treat Damaged And Broken Teeth

Restorative Dentistry

If you have a damaged tooth in Lathrop, Dr. Pon Tath can help. At Mossdale Dental, we specialize in restorative care for patients who are suffering from cavities, tooth infections, and tooth damage caused by dental trauma. With years of experience and the latest technology, you can trust our dental team to restore your tooth, eliminate your pain and discomfort, and prevent further complications. Call (209) 330-3600 today to schedule an appointment.

friends having a picnic outside

My Tooth Doesn’t Hurt

Do I Need Restorative Treatment?

Teeth that are damaged don’t always hurt. A deep cavity may not cause a toothache, and some advanced tooth infections may not cause any discomfort. A cracked or chipped tooth may not feel painful after your injury, so you might not seek restorative treatment right away. 

However, just because a tooth doesn’t hurt now doesn’t mean it won’t hurt in the future. When left untreated, issues like cavities and broken teeth can become infected and very painful.

Getting restorative care as soon as possible is the best way to keep your smile healthy and strong, and to minimize the risk of future complications that will cause you more pain and cost you both time and money.

a woman smiling during sunset

Restore Decayed Teeth


If you think that you have a cavity, you need to get help right away. If you do not get treatment for your cavity with a filling, it may grow larger and require a more expensive, time-consuming procedure like a dental crown, or even root canal therapy.

A filling is the best way to keep your smile healthy and strong. Dr. Tath will gently remove the damaged enamel and replace it with a composite, tooth-colored filling, restoring the natural shape and function of your tooth while preventing further decay.

Lathrop restorative dentist

Repair Damaged Teeth

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are made of a strong ceramic material that looks and feels just like your natural enamel. They are designed to completely cover up and replace your damaged tooth, all the way down to the gum line.

Dental crowns are the best option for restoring teeth that have been damaged by serious decay, and for repairing teeth that have been cracked or broken by a dental injury. They are also commonly used to restore teeth after root canal therapy.

a crown being put on diagram

Save Infected Teeth

Root Canal Therapy

If you have a deep, extensive cavity that destroys the outer layers of your tooth or your tooth is damaged by oral trauma, your tooth can become infected and require root canal therapy. Without treatment, your condition will only get worse, and your tooth may even die.

In this treatment, a small opening will be made in the outer layers of the tooth. Dr. Tath will then remove the decayed pulp from the inside of your tooth before gently cleaning the opening. The tooth is then filled and covered up with a dental filling or a crown to keep it strong.

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