Keep Your Smile Healthy & Strong
Preventive Dentistry
When it comes to your oral health, prevention is the best medicine. At Mossdale Dental, Dr. Pon Tath specializes in using the latest dental techniques and advanced technologies to catch issues like gum disease and cavities early, ensuring that you get the care you need, before anything becomes a major issue. To get your smile on the path to success, give us a call at (209) 597-3145 to schedule an appointment.
Understanding The Basics
Why Routine Dental Visits Are Important
Seeing a preventive dentist like Dr. Tath every six months for a regular teeth cleaning and oral exam is an essential part of any dental care regimen. Along with proper at-home oral hygiene, routine visits to the dentist can help you keep your smile bright and your teeth strong.
By seeing you regularly for a teeth cleaning and oral exam, we can keep an eye on your oral health and notice changes that may otherwise go unnoticed, allowing us to provide you with a better level of overall care. In turn, this ensures your smile stays healthy, saving you money by preventing common dental health problems like tooth decay and gum disease.

Restore & Protect Teeth
Fluoride Treatments
If you are cavity-prone or simply would like to lower your risk of tooth decay, fluoride treatments are a powerful tool for your dental health. This treatment consists of a fluoride-rich paste or gel that Dr. Tath will apply directly to your teeth. It’s left in place for a few minutes, and then it’s washed away.
You’ll need to avoid eating anything or rinsing your mouth for 30-60 minutes afterward, to ensure that the fluoride remains on your teeth for the proper amount of time. During this time, through a process called remineralization, the fluoride will help attract minerals like calcium and phosphates to your teeth, reversing the effects of minor tooth decay and strengthening your enamel.
Prevent Cavity Formation
Dental Sealants
Dental sealants are a great option if you would like to entirely prevent the formation of cavities on your teeth. They are typically only applied to the rear teeth, as these teeth are more prone to decay because of their deep grooves and pits that can trap food particles.
Sealants are made of a transparent dental resin that is applied to your teeth in liquid form. A UV light is then used to harden this resin, creating a barrier on your teeth. This barrier completely stops oral bacteria, acid, and food particles from contacting your enamel, preventing cavities for up to 10 years.
Get Peace Of Mind
Oral Cancer Screenings
At all of our six-month appointments, we provide oral cancer screenings for our patients. Dr. Pon Tath can look for potential signs of oral cancer, such as irregularities or lesions in your oral tissue. In the rare case that we notice an issue that requires further treatment or examination, we can refer you to a local professional for a biopsy and diagnosis.